Ignite Revival

Page Title
“Life Eternal”
The Power of God through the Blood of the Cross
Study 1
In our Bible, God has clearly established a plan of salvation for our lives. There is no doubt about whom His Son is and what His life and death has cost. Yet what is even more powerful, His resurrection and what it has accomplished. It’s all about the Blood, the precious life giving Blood of Jesus, it’s our covering! The thought of His Blood having to be shed by the death of crucifixion, the worst death a person can experience, and the thought that we only have to just believe by faith, just sounds foolish, right? But it is true! There are too many people in this world who don’t believe the Bible. You may even have many friends and family members who don’t believe. It just seems foolish to them. Maybe, they just think you’re religious? Maybe, they say they don’t have the time or the desire to look close enough into God’s Word? Maybe, they don’t really want to know the truth? We can never assume that just because we believe what the Word of God says, that other people believe it too!
The sad truth is, they don’t realize there is a plan that has been established just for them. From the very beginning this plan was designed by God to save their life for eternity. This earth and everything in it belong to God. God is the one that created it. God created us. There is no middle ground in the plan of salvation that God has laid out for us. There is no place in heaven or on earth or in the heart of a man where God can’t be found. Yet this Gospel, this plan of salvation, is foolishness to them because they are perishing. There are only two directions in this Kingdom of God. You are either in the process of Perishing or you are Saved.
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that PERISH foolishness,
but unto us which are SAVED it is the power of God.”
1 Corinthians 1:18
We are all born with a sin nature and because of this sin nature we are separated at birth from the God who created us. In the Holy Spirit inspired and inerrant Word of God, which we call the Bible, God has taken the time and several thousands of years, to establish the prophetic. These are accurate and undeniable prophecies regarding His beloved Son Jesus Christ. God has also taken much precious care in laying out clearly . . . His plan of salvation which includes full reconciliation to Himself. He has given us many examples through the centuries, a lot of it hidden if looked at with just a casual glance. But if studied deeper, allowing ourselves to look close enough, and being led by His Spirit, we can find this plan woven throughout the Bible, so perfectly, so precisely. When studied, it leaves no doubt about whom God’s Son would be, and no doubt about His amazing love for us. What is it that would be required of His precious Son? His death? Why something so costly?
Where did it all start? Where did sin originate? Did God create sin? Why did God allow sin to enter His perfect creation? Are we all really born with a sin nature? Does sin really bring us to a place of spiritual death? What is it about sin that makes it something so terrible that it required the death of God’s only Son? How is it that the Blood of Jesus is the only thing that will bring me to a place of full reconciliation to a Holy God? Just because I don’t believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus, does that mean that I am not a good person? If I become a Christian, will I continue to sin? Why would someone sin against the very God that created them? If someone that I love does not believe in Jesus, will we really be separated from each other and will they be separated from God for eternity? Good questions! You may have asked yourself some of these questions at one point in your life, or you may have had the questions asked of you. It can be easy for us to take these questions for granted without thinking through them.
If someone were to ask these questions of you, would you be able to take them through your Bible and give them the answers? Could you give them answers clearly and accurately, convincing them of the truth of God’s Word? Could you point out the fact, in true love and compassion, that they are in a perishing state before a Holy and Righteous God? Could you give them a clear reason for the hope that is within you? We are told in 1 Peter to be ready always to give an answer:
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always
to give an answer to every man that asketh you for a reason
of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”
1 Peter 3:15
At one point in my Christian walk, I couldn’t give clear answers to many of the questions above. That bothered me greatly. So I set my heart on changing that. I didn’t ever again want to find myself, as a Christian, not able to answer these questions accurately. Through the next few studies we are going to look at where sin originated and answer some of these tough questions. I am thankful that God’s Word is full of the answers we need. We are all created for a specific purpose and are designed to love and be loved by the God who created us. We are all called with specific gifts and talents that compliment our character and yet it is our choice as to whether we use them or not for God’s glory. In our first study, let’s take a close look at the original sin and the original offender. We need to do this so that we may have a heart that understands the real consequence of sin. Who committed the first sin? It was found in the heart of one of God’s most amazing creations! God created him, so he must have had a purpose in the Kingdom of God, what was it? Questions, questions, questions? The world is full of questions! Please join me in a wonderful journey through the living, breathing, loving Word of God to us. It is truly the greatest Love Letter ever written. Let’s get to know this Love Letter intimately so that we can share it with a lost and perishing world. So that we can be ready always to give an answer for the hope within us.
Our Journey Through
The Word
What was this angel’s original name? Isaiah 14:12 (Look up in different versions if possible)
Describe some of his personal character traits before he sinned? Ezekiel 28:14 -15;17
How does Ezekiel 28: 12 -17 describe Lucifer’s life before he sinned? (See Note #1.)
As an anointed cherub, what was Lucifer's purpose in the Kingdom of God? Ezekiel 28:14 and 16b; Exodus 25:17-21; 1 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 6:2, 22:11; 1 Kings 6:27-28; 1 Kings 8: 6-7; 2 Kings 19:15;1 Chronicles 28:18; 2 Chronicles 5:7-8; Psalm 18:10; Psalm 80:1; Daniel 7:10; Psalm 99:1; Psalm 103:20- 21; Isaiah 37:16; Ezekiel 10:1-22; Hebrews 1:14
What are the four faces of a cherubim? Ezekiel 10:14; Revelation 4:7
Who and what sits enthroned between the cherubim? Exodus 25:22; Numbers 7:89; 1 Samuel 4:4; Psalm 80:1
Was everything that God created good, even Lucifer? Genesis 1:31 - 2:3 (See Note #2)
Lucifer was the covering cherub of the Throne of God. What a position! One of the most important in heaven and on earth! He outranked all the other angels that God created. He was at one time the most beautiful of all God’s creation and yet Lucifer fell and sin was found in him. In next week's study we will take a good look at Lucifer’s original calling as a covering cherub and I have some interesting things to share with you. As you pray and study your Bible this next week remember to ask the Lord for wisdom and understanding of His word. Ask yourself questions like: Why would Lucifer sin against the very God that created him? Have fun and try to answer your questions with scripture.
Help Notes
Note #1: This passage in Ezekiel 28: 12-15 specifically refers to the Kings of Babylon and Tyre. Most Biblical scholars and commentators believe these scriptures reference clearly the spiritual power behind those kings, namely Lucifer also called Satan.
Note #2: The statement of Genesis 1:31-2:3 indicates that God was thoroughly pleased with all aspects of His creation after its completion. Six times in Chapter 1 God inspected His handiwork and declared that it was "good," (verses 4, 12, 16, 21, and 25). When all creation was completed, His seventh and final blessing was to pronounce everything "very good.”
Anointed Cherub that covereth - Satan, then called Lucifer, was the closest angel to God! He covered the divine presence, the glory of the Almighty God. Please note that although addressing Satan as the covering cherub in Ezekiel 28, the Lord turns to the past tense to describe his action. “You were."
the anointed cherub that covereth; Ezekiel 28:14
Anointed: 4473 mimeshakh'
4473 = from 4886, in the sense of expansion; outspread (i.e. outstretched wings):- anointed. 4886 = man-dah’ corresponds to 4093; wisdom or intelligence; knowledge, reason and understanding. **Strong's Number 4473 matches the Hebrew (mimshach), which occurs only 1 time in 1 verse in the Hebrew concordance in Ezekiel 28:14
Cherub: 3742 kereüwb'
3742 = cherub. This is masculine. Cherubs bear the throne of God upon their wings 2 Sam. 22:11. They were gaurdians of Eden Genesis 3:24. Flanking God’s throne (Situated on each side.). Hovering over the Ark of the Covenant and the Chariot of Jehovah.
Covereth: 5526 säekak'
5526 = to hedge, fence about, shut in, to block, overshadow, screen, stop the approach, shut off, cover, to screen, cover, to cover oneself, protect, lay over, to weave together, to entwine as a screen, to join together.
Think for a moment about what he was created to be!