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Ignite Revival



Springville Community Food Pantry

 "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you something to drink?"
Matthew 25:37

SCFP is an Ignite Revival Ministries 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations are tax deductible. We partner with Community Food Bank and Feeding America. We're volunteer driven, faith based, and provide groceries, and household items for those in need within Springville and its surrounding communities to those who qualify under Federal guidelines. We encourage self-sufficiency in individuals and families that are struggling to make ends meet. Our primary mission is to bring a message of mercy and hope to those in need by providing nutritional basics and encouragement. For every dollar donated to the SCFP, 100% goes toward food and services for needy families. No one who comes to SCFP goes away hungry.


Free Bread items are available to all on a first come - first served basis, and will always depend upon the availability of bread items from our supplier. This free food distribution is available to Springville and surrounding community residents! 


The free Springville Community Food Pantry pantry items are available by request or by a pre-arranged appointment, subject to approval, to aid with food provisions for those who have temporarily fallen upon difficult times or are experiencing an emergency situation.


Charity Relations Director,

Jeremy and Lindzee Creech

(559) 429-0807

New Pantry Location


35576 Tule River Dr., Building A

Springville, CA

Fridays at 3pm


(closed the 3rd Friday of each month)

Follow our Pantry on Facebook

Produce selections are seasonal
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